Wednesday, March 11, 2015


   Welcome!  I decided to create this blog for my son shortly after our diagnosis of him having spina bifida.  When Jackson was diagnosed, I was devastated, heartbroken, mad - basically every emotion that you can have, I went through in a matter of seconds and then hit repeat for the next several days.  I found comfort in reading other blogs by parents with children that have spina bifida.  Did it make me feel completely better? No, absolutely not.  Did it give me hope? Yes!  I was able to realize that my son having spina bifida doesn't define him.  He will be a normal little boy that will be very loved.     

   The worst thing that I did on diagnosis day was Google.  If your sweet little one has recently been diagnosed with spina bifida, please, please, please do not Google.  Google can be a great resource, but it can also be very scary when it comes to medical diagnoses.

  I know that you feel scared and alone.  Please know that you are not alone.  Being scared is a normal process, as is questioning what you should do.  If you're like the majority of other spina bifida parents, you were offered termination due to poor quality of life.  The only person that can tell you accurate information about your little one is a neurosurgeon (not neurologist--common confusion).  They are your go-to person for realistic, up-to-date information and treatment regarding spina bifida.  You'll also likely be pleasantly surprised at the positive and encouraging prognosis the neurosurgeon gives your child!  It is impossible to make an informed decision about which option to choose for your baby without first speaking to a pediatric neurosurgeon. 

   My goal for this blog is to document our process starting with diagnosis day and continue through Jackson's life.  In a way, this will be a journal that I hope one day he will read.  I hope that our experiences may help those that have just been diagnosed and even connect with more parents that have kiddos with spina bifida.  I welcome any comments and questions and will get back with you as quickly as possible.

   So again, welcome to our journey with my sweet Jackson that just so happens to have spina bifida. 
Crystal and Jackson        



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