Tuesday, May 26, 2015

7th appointment post-op

   Today was our 7th weekly appointment and I went in thinking that we would get the same news as the previous weeks, I am ecstatic at the news that we received, but I'm going to save that news for last!

   It's been a month since Jackson was measured, so Ixa, the ultrasound tech, took all the measurements she needed to see how much he has grown.  Jackson weighs approximately 4lbs and 3 oz and is measuring a little bit ahead, but the doctor doesn't seem to be concerned.  No matter how Ixa had me lay, Jackson wouldn't move for her so she could get more accurate measurements.  In case you didn't know, Jackson is a stinker.

   My amniotic fluid level dropped a little bit since our last appointment.  The first measurement that was taken was a little over 7cm, but when Ixa remeasured, she calculated it at 10 1/2cm.  That means that I was down 2cm from last week.  When I spoke with Dr. Bennett she assured me that we are still within normal range, but did let me know that if I drop below 10 she may send me over to the hospital to receive IV fluids.  As of right now she wants me to drink more water to see if we can get my level back up.  I drink a lot of water as it is, but if I need to drink more, then so be it.

   Dr. Bennett and Emily were impressed with my blood sugar numbers from last week.  My fasting number is suppose to be below 95, but I had a couple that were a little bit higher.  However, Dr. Bennett said as long as it stays below 100 then she is ok with it.  It is a similar story with my 2 hour post meal levels.  I had a few higher than 120, but the highest was 127.  So far, so good!

   On to the BIG news!  Jackson's ventricles are still the same size, so Dr. Bennett thinks that they have stabilized - Yay!  I was informed that Jackson's hindbrain herniation has begun to reverse!  You read that correctly, his brain has begun to go back up to where it needs to be instead of being pulled backwards.  When Dr. Bennett told us this, I couldn't keep my emotions in.  I have been waiting to hear that news since the surgery.  There were three main goals to having the surgery: prevent the need for a shunt, reverse the hindbrain herniation, and to hopefully increase mobility.  As of right now Jackson will NOT need a shunt and the hindbrain herniation is reversing.  This proves that the surgery was a success and that everything we have gone through was worth it.                  

My sweet little wiggle worm,

   You are 31 weeks tomorrow and getting big.  You have become quite the wiggle worm and love when I play music.  I am so proud of you.  You continue to amaze your doctors and of course daddy and I.  Getting the news today that your hindbrain herniation was beginning to reverse was so emotional for me.  I was waiting to hear that news and couldn't keep the tears from falling.  The reversing of your hindbrain herniation proves that the surgery was a success and worth everything that we have gone through.

   You were measured today to see how much you have grown since last month.  It's official, you definitely have my long legs.  In fact, you are measuring at 32 weeks 5 days instead of 31 weeks.  Keep growing baby boy.  We have 6 more weeks to go!  I can't believe how fast the time has gone by.  I am so excited to meet you.

   All of your furniture was delivered today.  Setting your room up made your soon to be arrival even more real.  Nana and PawPaw helped put pictures up in your room and decorate a little bit; I absolutely love how everything looks.  Your bassinet is in our room awaiting your arrival, but that doesn't mean that you can come early.  :)

Love you always,

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