We were scheduled for an ultrasound this morning to check on the amniotic fluid. I was anxious to see if my fluid level went up or not. I prayed that it didn't go down... Please oh please don't let it have gone down. Transport arrived at 7:15 and I was wheeled over to the Fetal Center.
Jackson was breathing away when Ixa, the ultrasound tech, first started the ultrasound. He was moving very well, but still didn't want to make Ixa's job easy. :) We saw Jackson open and close his eyes and yawn. My amniotic fluid level measured at 8.5... didn't make the goal of 10. To have been able to go home today, I had to have a 10 or higher. I'm bummed, but I went in this morning thinking that it wasn't going to be 10. I wanted to prepare myself just in case.
Dr. Bennett came by a little bit later in the day to discuss the results and the plan of action. Due to my fluid level not reaching a 10 I will be staying in the hospital until Wednesday and continuing with the daily IV fluid infusion. On Wednesday we will do another ultrasound to check the fluid level again. If the level is stable or higher then I can go home and receive the IV fluids at home. Fingers crossed! I would love to go home and be with my fur babies and watching a tv that has more than 5 channels. :)
Jackson was being quite the stinker during his nonstress test today. The test is suppose to last for about 20 minutes, but mine lasted for over an hour today due to Jackson moving and grooving the entire time. Each time the nurse thought that he was going to stay still, he kicked the monitor and then moved away.
Because I've been having such a hard time with IV's and have the possibility of receiving IV fluids at home, I had a PICC line inserted. A peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC or PIC line) is a form of intravenous access that can be used for a prolonged period of time. The only thing that bothered me was the numbing medicine, other than that, I couldn't feel the PICC line being put in.
I woke up to my arm being sore from the PICC line. The nurse explained that this was completely normal and should feel better in a couple of days. Dr. Bennett came by today to check up on Jackson and I and to let us know that we were scheduled for our reevaluation for bright and early, 7:30 (Yikes), on Wednesday. She let me know that our new goal is 35 weeks. We will be 33 weeks tomorrow, so Jackson has to chill out for 2 more weeks to meet that goal. She also explained that she will be out of town next week attending a conference on fetal surgery. While that's exciting, it makes me nervous. All will be well... All will be well... All will be well!!!
The home health nurse coordinator came by to discuss the plan with receiving the IV fluids at home. From the way she was talking the only time a nurse will come to the house will be when the dressing for the PICC line needs to be changed, once a week. Other than that, my "babysitters" will be taking care of setting up my daily infusion. I've been watching the nurses take care of me for 8 days and it doesn't seem to be too difficult. Matt's mom and I are supposed to meet with the coordinator again tomorrow for a more formal training.
When someone in the hospital tells you that they haven't slept, you should believe them. I'm exhausted! I wake up around 5:30 each morning to start my IV fluids, the doctors and residents start making their rounds at 6:30, breakfast comes at 8:30, nurses come check on me about every 3 hours... It's non stop! Me going home is going to be like a vacation.
Once again Jackson showed his stubbornness during the nonstress test, but not to the extreme as yesterday. He kept moving away from the monitor again, but quickly settled down. The test lasted about 40 minutes instead of 20, but he looked great. I sure hope this attitude that he has now doesn't continue when he's born... Oh boy! :)
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