32 weeks... 32 weeks! We made it to 32 weeks! While 37 weeks is the ultimate goal, Dr. Bennett has told me on several occasions that 32 weeks is a great accomplishment and we need to be proud. Any day and any week past 32 is a bonus. Are we still holding on for 37, absolutely!
Last week we found out that my amniotic fluid was a little low (10.5) and I was instructed to drink plenty of water to try and hydrate. Today I was informed that my fluid level went down again. This time I was measuring 6.5, that is a 40% drop from last week. What happened? I drink more water than anyone else I know. I could turn into a fish and be able to live on land without a problem. Where did it go? Am I leaking and don't realize it? How can I possibly be dehydrated with the amount of water I consume? Ahhhh!
Dr. Bennett told me that if I was measuring below 10 this week that she would admit me to the hospital to receive IV fluids and she wasn't kidding. I was wheeled over to the hospital and put into a room on the postpartum/antepartum floor. I was quickly hooked up to an IV and given my first dose of fluids. I was going to be given a 4 hour dose of fluids each day that I was in the hospital. As far as I knew, that meant Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I am scheduled to be reevaluated on Thursday morning. If my fluid level is above 10 on Thursday, I will be able to go home. However, if it is between 5 and 10, I will stay in the hospital to receive some more fluids and if it is below 5, we will be discussing the possibility of delivering Jackson. Scary... Scary...Scary!
Due to the risk of possibly delivering Jackson early, I was given my first of two steroid shots. The purpose of the shot is to protect his brain and help mature his lungs quickly. There are several other benefits, but those are the main two that were mentioned. The shot definitely didn't feel good, but it still doesn't compare to the Rhogam shot that I get due to having A- blood. There is a risk that the steroid shot will shoot up my blood sugar, but Dr. Bennett has already put in an order for insulin just in case that happens. I was also informed that the steroid may make it difficult to sleep. Really? I don't sleep well as it is now, no one sleeps well in a hospital, and now the steroid is going to add to that... Ugh! :)
Jackson of course looked great on the ultrasound. He was moving around quite a bit and showing off his breathing skills. His ventricles are measuring the same which is awesome. He is still in the breech position, but since I'm having a c-section it doesn't really matter. Our ultrasound didn't last as long this time since I was so low on amniotic fluid, but I always love to see him. Other than the fluid, everything looks good, we just gotta get me fixed up. Fingers crossed!
Lil' man,
We made it to our ultimate goal of 32 weeks baby boy. I'm so proud of you. You are proving to be more and more strong each week. Speaking of your strength, you are becoming more active and I love watching my belly move when you move or stretch. You've gotten so strong that others can see you move as well. I'm still waiting for the day that I see a hand or foot move across my belly! If daddy thought it was strange to see you kick, wait until he sees you do that. :)
As usual, you looked great on the ultrasound. You were moving and grooving and showing off your breathing skills. Your ventricles are still measuring the same which is awesome. You still won't show the ultrasound tech your back. I guess your incision is going to be a surprise until you make your arrival into the world... Stinker! :)
We have 5 more weeks baby boy- keep baking and getting stronger. I love you so very much and can't wait to meet you. You are already an amazing little boy and I am so proud to be your mommy.
Love you always,
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